2x Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3 & 1x DJM-800 MIXER DJ PACKAGE + 1HDJ 2000 Headphones 4.000,- Kč

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Vloženo: 29.5.2012 19:59 Typ: Nabízím Kategorie: Hudební nástroje Od: Albertho Affendi Město: KL

We offer Dj Equipment,DRUMSET,Guitar,KEYBOARDS,PIANO,Mobile Phones,Segway and Bikes.

Apple I-Phones 4s 32GB

Blackberry P9981 Porsche

Segway X2 and i2

korg pa2xpro 76-key arranger keyboard.

2X Pioneer CDJ-2000 Turntable + DJM-2000 Mixer Package

2x Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3 & 1x DJM-800 MIXER DJ PACKAGE + 1HDJ 2000 Headphones

For more information on how to purchase or place order do contact , please send your inquiry to the below E-mail ID.

Contact Name : Albertho Affendi
Company Name : Albertho Mobile LTDŸ
Email Us At: alberthomobile@hotmail.com